Children's Dentistry

  • DISCOUNTED children's private dental care*
  • Early disease detection
  • Professional cleaning
  • Prevent tooth loss
  • Healthy oral care habits
  • Improved overall health
  • Preventative treatments
  • Orthodontics

Do baby teeth need to be checked by a dentist?

Yes, it is important for baby teeth to be checked by a dentist. Baby teeth play a crucial role in a child's oral development. Regular dental check-ups allow the dentist to monitor the health of your child's teeth and identify any potential issues early on. Our dentists will examine the baby teeth for signs of decay, monitor their eruption and alignment, and assess the overall oral health of your child.

Child dental visits also provide an opportunity to receive guidance on proper oral hygiene practices for your child, including brushing techniques and dietary recommendations. By ensuring regular dental check-ups for your child, you can help maintain their oral health, address any concerns promptly, and establish a foundation for a lifetime of good dental habits.

How often should a child visit the dentist?

Children should typically visit the dentist every six months for regular check-ups and cleanings. Regular dental visits are important for monitoring their oral health, ensuring proper development of their teeth and jaw, and addressing any dental issues or concerns early on. These visits also provide an opportunity for the dentist to provide guidance on oral hygiene practices specific to children, including proper brushing and flossing techniques. However, the frequency of dental visits may vary depending on your child's individual needs and recommendations.

Some children with specific oral health conditions or a higher risk of dental problems may need more frequent visits, while others with excellent oral health may be able to visit on an annual basis. It's best to consult with your child's dentist to determine the most appropriate schedule for their dental visits.

Why are baby teeth important to look after?

Baby teeth, also known as primary teeth, are important for several reasons. They help children to chew and speak properly, maintain proper space for adult teeth to come in, promote healthy development of the jaws and facial muscles, and aid in the proper alignment of adult teeth. Baby teeth also play a critical role in the overall health of a child, as untreated tooth decay and infection in baby teeth can lead to pain, difficulty eating, speech problems, and even systemic infections.

Regular dental checkups for children can prevent these problems by detecting and treating dental issues early on while helping to establish happy healthy oral care habits from a young age.

When should children have an orthodontic assessment?

It is generally advised for children to have an orthodontic assessment around the age of 7. This is recommended because by this age, children typically have a mix of baby teeth and permanent teeth. An orthodontic assessment at this stage allows our dentist to evaluate the child's dental development and identify any potential orthodontic issues. During the assessment, we will examine the teeth, jaw alignment, and facial structure. We may also take X-rays and impressions of the teeth to gather more information. Based on the assessment, we can determine if there are any existing or developing orthodontic problems, such as crowded teeth, misalignment, or bite issues.

Even if no immediate treatment is needed, early assessment allows our team to monitor a child's dental development and plan for any necessary orthodontic treatment in the future. Early intervention can often lead to more effective and efficient orthodontic treatment, potentially reducing the need for more extensive procedures later in life.

Payment options available

We offer a wider range of interest-free payment options to suit any budget and we offer free check-ups and cleans for teen orthodontic patients*. Individual service costs may vary. Costs can be found on our Services pages.


Learn more about dental conditions and treatments with Bespoke Smiles Wanaka.

When should I schedule my child's first dental visit?

It is recommended to schedule your child's first dental visit within six months after their first tooth erupts or by their first birthday, whichever comes first.

How often should my child visit the dentist?

Children should typically visit the dentist every six months for regular check-ups and cleanings, unless their dentist recommends a different schedule based on their specific oral health needs.

Are baby teeth important? Do they need to be treated if they have cavities?

Yes, baby teeth are important for speech development, proper chewing, and holding space for permanent teeth. If baby teeth have cavities, they should be treated to prevent further decay and potential infection.

How can I prepare my child for their dental visit?

You can prepare your child by talking positively about the dentist, reading books or watching videos about dental visits, and role-playing at home. Familiarise them with the dental practice environment to help reduce anxiety.

What can I do to help my child maintain good oral hygiene?

Encourage regular brushing with a soft-bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste, teach them proper flossing techniques, and limit sugary snacks and drinks. Supervise their brushing until they have developed the necessary coordination.

What should I do if my child has a dental emergency?

In case of a dental emergency, such as a knocked-out tooth or severe toothache, contact us immediately. We will provide guidance and arrange an emergency appointment to address the situation promptly.