Root Canal Treatment

  • No extraction needed
  • Removes the source of infection
  • Restores function of the tooth
  • Preserves natural appearance of your smile
  • Saves money long-term
  • Prevents jawbone deterioration
  • Costs start from $950

What is root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment, also known as endodontic therapy, is a dental procedure aimed at saving severely damaged or infected teeth. It involves removing the infected pulp from the tooth's interior, cleaning and disinfecting the root canals, and sealing them to prevent further infection. This treatment not only relieves severe tooth pain but also preserves the natural tooth, restoring its function and preventing the need for extraction.

Cost of root canal in Wanaka?

The cost of root canal treatment at a dentist in Wanaka can vary depending on several factors, including the condition of the tooth, complexity of the procedure, which tooth is being treated, and the dentist's experience. On average, the cost of a front tooth or premolar root canal treatment service is between $700-$1200 and a molar tooth is between $1500 - $2000.  We offer a full price upfront quote on root canal treatments during consultation with Dr Hess Kim at Bespoke Smiles Wanaka.

What are the alternatives to root canal treatment?

Tooth extraction may be necessary if the tooth is extensively damaged or infected beyond repair, but this can lead to other dental issues and require tooth replacement procedures like dental implants. Dental bridges offer another alternative by anchoring a false tooth between adjacent teeth. Removable partial dentures can also be used to replace missing teeth, though they may not provide the same stability as implants or bridges. 

Do I need a crown on my root treated tooth?

After root canal treatment, it’s often recommended that the tooth should be crowned for several reasons. Firstly, the procedure weakens the tooth's structure.  A crown will provide protection against fractures and breakage. Secondly, a crown restores the natural function of the tooth, allowing for normal chewing and biting and improves longevity by providing stability and reducing the risk of further complications. Lastly, it seals the tooth, preventing bacteria from re-entering and reducing the risk of reinfection. 

Payment options available

We offer a wider range of interest-free payment options to suit any budget and we offer free check-ups and cleans for teen orthodontic patients*. Individual service costs may vary. Costs can be found on our Services pages.


Learn more about dental conditions and treatments with Bespoke Smiles Wanaka.

Why is a root canal treatment necessary?

Root canal treatment is necessary to save a tooth that has severe decay, infection, or damage to its pulp (nerve tissue). It helps alleviate pain, restore tooth function, and avoid the need for removal of the tooth.

Does a root canal treatment hurt?

The procedure itself is performed under local anaesthetic, so patients typically experience little to no discomfort during the root canal treatment process. Some patients experience some soreness or tenderness after the procedure, which can be managed with over-the-counter pain medications and will pass within a couple of days.

How long does a root canal treatment take?

The duration of a root canal treatment can vary depending on the tooth's complexity and the severity of the infection. On average, the procedure can take one to two visits, with each appointment lasting 1 hour.

Are there any risks or complications associated with root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment is a commonly performed and safe procedure. However, as with any dental procedure, there can be risks of infection, damage to surrounding structures, or a need for retreatment if the infection recurs.

How long does a root canal treated tooth last?

With proper care, a root canal-treated tooth can last a lifetime. It is important to maintain good oral hygiene, schedule regular dental check-ups, and follow your dentist's recommendations for oral care to maximise the longevity of the treated tooth. Ideally, a crown will be placed on the tooth to restore its strength and stability.

Do I need to see a specialist for root canal treatment?

No. Root canal procedures are within the scope of general dentistry, and many dentists are skilled in performing them. However, in complex cases or situations where there are complications, a general dentist may refer the patient to an endodontist, who is a specialist in root canal treatment and other procedures related to the tooth pulp and root canal system. The referral ensures that the patient receives the most appropriate and specialised care for their specific needs.